Unlike Slippers and Mark, Andrew and I haven't exactly been seeing eye to eye on this latest pick.
I suggested that we do a Mad-Lib style post for our choice between "Dwight" and Deerhunter. Andrew still hasn't responded.
Until he does, here's my contribution. I'm aware that Mad-Libs traditionally ask you for (a) a noun, (b) a verb, (c) a silly object, (d) an exclamation, etc., but maybe you all can offer Andrew some suggestions:
Well everyone, it’s been quite ________________. After_______________, and now that I’ve got my____________ out of my______________ , it’s on to a ________________ choice between “Dwight” and DeerHunter, Halcyon Digest.
The choice here is easy:__________________.
Once, in high school, while I was listening to _______________ and making out with ___________________ it occurred to me that some music really is _______________, but only when you’re making out with __________________. Just like Dave Matthew’s Band.
_______________ is the same way. It’s worth listening to if you’re_________________, but once you’re ___________________, forget it. You might as well hike up your skirt a little more, show the world to me, and keep making out with _____________________, because you’re never going to__________________, until the damn album is over.
__________________, on the other hand, is to music what __________________ is to being married and having a baby. That ________________ can ______________ all it wants to, but you know _________________ will never get in the way of ______________________, in the same way that _______________________ rocks earnestly, with great guitars, unpretentious vocals, an ambient sensibility, but also _______________.
Speaking of saxophones, whoever said that ____________________ was like ___________________ (a)never woke up after having made out with ___________________ , and (b) is unfamiliar with_________________and the E-Street band. _____________________ is clearly a riff on that, but with ___________________ and everyone can keep their _______________________ below their knees.
When I got my first__________________ at age thirteen, I knew that ______________________. One thing this tournament, and having to choose between _____________________ and _____________________, has taught me is that you never can _______________________ without______________________. At least with a shred of dignity.
Then again, ___________________ is such a good album on its own, that I’m okay with ___________________. And so is my wife.