Saturday, January 29, 2011

Crooked Saints vs. Jakalope

I'm not so crazy about being given the task of judging an album by several people who are here on the Death Match. Perhaps Andrew gave me this task to get back at me for the whole Arcade Fire thing. Luckily, it's not too hard of a decision.

I think one of the problems I have with Jackalope (besides having to try kind of hard to listen to them for free) is a lack of definition of what they want to be / are. Perhaps you could call this originality, but I find the clash between gothiness and bubblegum poppies to be frustrating and uninteresting. I'd like them more if they were more like Katy Perry or more like The Sisters of Mercy. This is meant as more of a confession than a dig, but they kind of remind me of this band I really liked around 1990, Mad at the World.

So, Crooked Saints wins.


  1. Nice hover text on the Crooked Saints image.

  2. Nice knowing what to call that.

  3. Know that your Mad at the World reference has not gone unappreciated...Didn't they do a cover of "The Times They Are a Changing" on one album? Wild, wacky stuff...

  4. Hm, also, you're right about it being awkward to have a home-brew album in the mix. FRIENDSHIPS MIGHT BE BROKEN HERE FOLKS.
