Good job Andrew, now I feel like crap.. seems I am even further out of the loop when it comes to music these days, seriously. first 4 picks are legit, then the rest are just filler. I have no idea what happened in the last 5 years...
Natural Disasters - Dwight
Beatrice - Crooked Saints
Only by the Night - Kings of Leon
The Reminder - Feist
Chinese Democracy - Axl n' Roses
Band of Joy - Bobby Plant
On an Island - David Gilmour
Move Along - All American Rejects
Ladies and Gentlemen - The Tamboureens
Dirty Projectors - Bitte Ocra
Plan on complete destruction of all highly rated picks in the early rounds... If the Tamboureens don't go far, the Weakerthans/Arcade Fire/whatever else all you individuals collectively listen to, aren't going far either.
Great choice on that last one, Mark.